1. Operation and context of the site
The G.O. Tours, which has its seat in Athens, operates on the internet the platform of www.gotours.gr. In this framework, a wide group of users have the right to retrieve data from the internet, to make use of various benefits and services under the obligation to register and to cash on delivery, as well as to make further communications with the other group users.
By the term “users” within the present terms of use we define all persons or persons that act of other members and use the services provided herein.
The site www.gotours.gr bears the content created by partners and users. The site administrator has the right to modify, replace or withdraw any available content. As long as it concerns the content sent or published by the users the site administrator has the right to review the material before it is made public and to replace or withdraw it even after its publication without mentioning the reason.
2. Access and site use, prices
The access and use of www.gotours.gr and/or the products and services provided by the site (herein “services”) are subject to the present terms of use.
You have the obligation to duly make known to G.O. Tours any incident of non-authorized use of password or personal account or any other security violation that you nay become aware or suspicious of. The site administrator does not bear any responsibility on losses or damages that may occur to the user as a result of his/her non compliance with the abovementioned terms. In this case, the administrator may take all necessary measures to avoid any non- prescribed use, and mainly to temporarily suspend the right to access.
The use of information provided on the site G.O. Tours is basically free. The site administrator has the right to limit, temporarily suspend or terminate access to services wholly or partially. Moreover, the site administrator has the right to modify, temporarily suspend or terminate services wholly or partially.
The G.O. Tours use shall be limited to the accomplishment of its objective and operation. When using the site, users are not allowed to:
3. Right to intellectual and industrial property
The site content (images, graphics, pictures, designs, provided services and texts including) as well as its structure constitute intellectual property, registered brand and service brand of the G.O. Tours and therefore are governed by the relevant legislation of Greek law, community law and international conventions and treaties. Any products or services appearing on the present site and bearing the brand of respondent bodies, enterprises, unions or publications, constitute their intellectual, industrial or other relevant property and, thus, these bodies bear the responsibility.
It is expressly forbidden to copy, modify, reproduce, publish, transfer, disseminate and distribute the content of the server (text, pictures, graphics, images, brands, logos, etc.) by any means, electronically or not. The prohibition does not apply to the case of printing or storing one and only copy of a part of the content on an ordinary PC for personal use strictly and not for public or commercial use and without erasing their source from the present site. It is allowed to use and reproduce in whole, partially or in summary, under the condition that the product is free available via internet and there is made clear reference to the source.
Regarding available information and the publicized content of the site, both in text and images format, coming form partners and users, the responsibility that rights of third parties and intellectual property rights are not violated lies strictly with the users and partners. The latter bear also the responsibility for the accuracy of these data and ensure that in case of violation (regarding competition, brand, intellectual property or right to the name rules) the administrator can not be held liable to third parties.
Simultaneously, partners and users grant to G.O. Tours site administrator the non exclusive right to use, reproduce, transfer, disseminate or distribute the material wholly without any limitations in space, time and content, electronically or not and within the aim limitations of the site.
This fact includes the right to international presentation, promotion and distribution. Furthermore, it includes the use through any other transmission body, i.e. CD-Rom, CD-I, Foto-CD as well as through all epigamic and apogamic options that G.O. Tours offers. The administrator has the right to transfer all granted rights by virtue of these terms of use to third parties. Technology and software supporting the site and its services are property of the G.O. Tours and its partners. The software is protected by relevant intellectual property protection regulations governed by Greek law, Community law and international convention and treaties. It is forbidden to copy, rent, lease, lend, sell, assign, distribute, de-assemble, de-translate and to conversely mechanize or in any way intervene or transfer any rights on the technology and software supporting the site.
4. Liability clause
The website-provider of www.gotours.gr as well as partners (managers, employees, external counsels, linked or subsidiary companies, content providers and internet service providers) are not held liable on any damage that may occur while visiting the site and using services, options and content. Specifically, the above mentioned persons do not bear any responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, positive or negative, loss of profits, damage from penal persecution that rely, are based or constitute the result of accessing the site and using the services, including inter alia:
The administrator does not guarantee and does not bear any responsibility on providing services, options and content without any interruption, error or virus. The G.O. Tours does not guarantee and can not be held responsible for legal or material inability, accuracy, comprehensiveness or availability of content, pages, services or research results. The content of the site is provided “per se” without any guarantee expressly or presumed provided or in any other way. The site administrator rejects all guarantees, expressly or presumed expressed, including those referring to commerciality or appropriability to a specific aim. In several legal orders the exclusion of presumed guarantees or the restriction of liability in case of damage due to negligence or fraud are not allowed. If that is the case, exclusion or restriction of liability clauses do not apply.
6. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The abovementioned terms and conditions of use of G.O. Tours site and its services, as well as any modification are governed by Greek law, Community law and relevant international treaties and conventions. In case any of the abovementioned terms is declared void or null, is no longer valid, without affecting the validity of the other conditions.
7. Modifications
The site administrator has the right to modify the content, the information, the special features, the operations and services of the site. You are kindly requested to check out from time to time the site content. In case the user proceeds with using the site and/or its services even after modifications are made by the administrator, this fact implies the unreserved acceptance of terms by the user.